Liberty Women’s Clinic Board of Directors is a governing board that oversees the clinic’s mission, fiscal integrity, and quality of operations while supporting and directing the CEO.  Our Board feels accountable to God and therefore seeks to exemplify high standards of integrity on behalf of those who sacrificially support the ministry and those who are served.

John A Washer

Dr. Kenneth J. Parker


I have always been pro-life. Even in high school I debated the issue with classmates. In 1995, I had been associate pastor of churches for about 12 years when I was called to serve as a senior pastor with responsibilities for preaching. My second or third sermon was on the sanctity of life. I followed a pastor that had never talked about it, but as soon as I had the opportunity, I did. I’ve never felt courageous in doing so; it’s simple obedience. I became a LWC board member in 2009 and have led our church to be involved personally through volunteering, spiritually through praying, and financially through giving. I love the difference LWC makes in our world. I currently pastor First Baptist Church of Kearney and also serve as Professor of Pastoral Care Counseling at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. My wife, Lori, and I have been married for over 30 years, and have two sons and three grandchildren. In addition to enjoying my roles as a pastor and professor, I love to read. I’m an avid baseball fan and enjoy golfing more than anyone else in the world!

John A Washer

Gretchen Miller

Vice President

I have been a supporter of LWC for many years after first hearing Carol Graham speak at my church. Her passion and vision for the unborn, as well as the mothers, compelled my husband, Mike, and me to learn more about the clinic and how we could support life through LWC. I have also served in other capacities, such as helping my son, Montana, organize an event with the movie “Unplanned” to raise funds and awareness of the mission of LWC. I have also served as a Prayer Coordinator for the LWC Banquet. My mother was adopted in 1942, when abortion was not legal. I have always been grateful to her biological mother for making the hard decision to place her baby up for adoption to parents who desperately wanted a baby and if I could somehow be a part of helping another mother make that same choice, what a difference could be made in another person’s life, much like my own. More recently, my daughter and son-in-law lost our grandson, Beckett, at 29-1/2 weeks pregnant.  To see that perfectly formed little boy at 29-1/2 weeks just solidified my passion to do everything I can to fight for the lives of the unborn created by God.

The thing I love the most about LWC is the compassion and love without judgement shown to women in crisis. The staff love and serve with the love of Jesus. They genuinely care about the unborn as well as the mother, just as Jesus does. They pray for and with the client, each unborn baby, and seek to show the love of the Lord to every client who walks into the clinic. I feel humbled, honored, and prayerful as I begin to serve on the LWC board. It is a privilege that I can serve with the passion the Lord has placed in my heart for life and how He has established that foundation through having a mother who was adopted and further solidifying that passion through the recent loss of our precious and perfectly formed little grandson at 29-1/2 weeks. The Lord has a plan for every life, and I am grateful and prayerful as He allows me to serve in this role.

John A Washer

Pat Larimore


I have been a supporter and contributor for many years and especially appreciate the hope that is provided to all who walk through the doors of LWC. What I love most about LWC is the authentic loving care showed each person – no judgment or condemnation, welcoming, supportive care, and many options not always considered by the person. I have two married daughters and 10 grandchildren. I love family, especially attending activities the grandchildren are involved in. I’ve been a member of Pleasant Valley Baptist Church where I’ve served on the Global Outreach Mission Team, Preschool, Homebound Care and Hospital Ministry Teams, Stephen Minister, Adult Small Group Teacher. I have been a Group Leader with Bible Study Fellowship (BSF) for 7 years. Traveling and reading are also some of my favorite things to do.

John A Washer

John Davenport


What I love most about LWC is that this ministry leans heavily on God and follows his plan faithfully. My wife, Angela, and I have been supporters of the clinic for over a decade, and I recently joined the Board of Directors in the role of Treasurer. My family and I strongly believe in the value of all life and want to support the loving way the clinic shines a bright light on that message. We have participated in several of the fundraising initiatives and especially enjoyed the annual kickball tournament. Apart from the fun on the field, it was special to engage our children at a young age to help raise awareness and funds for a ministry so near to our hearts.

Angela and I have been married for 10 years and have three beautiful children. We attend Liberty Christian Fellowship and appreciate our community there. We are part of a wonderful small group and our kids are active in the children’s ministry. We love to spend time together as a family, especially traveling and watching sports.

John A Washer

Ben Wagenaar


The heart of God for the unborn and for struggling parents is something that I rarely experienced in my walk with the Lord. I was not spending time engaging in the place of prayer, in the word of God, or in the giving of resources for this area of God’s kingdom.

Now, enter Liberty Women’s Clinic. An organization that awakens the church to God’s heart for all people – the unborn, the struggling mom, the panicked dad. An organization that spurs God’s people to stand in the place of prayer, to advocate for the broken and the hidden, and to give of our lives and resources for what matters to God. My walk with the Lord is different because of this clinic. And lives have been physically and eternally saved through its gospel-centered ministry.

I was asked by Jennifer Main to consider joining the LWC board as a pastoral voice. But having only 2 years of pastoral ministry, I honestly thought she reached out to the wrong pastor. However, when she mentioned prayer being one of my primary roles, I thought, “I’m your guy.” I am honored to be able to serve as a pastoral voice at LWC and to serve the ministry of Jesus to this area of society.

John A Washer

Josh Baldwin


I first heard about the work of Liberty Women’s Clinic when my wife and I started attending Liberty Christian Fellowship in 2009. It was a ministry that certainly resonated with us, especially in that season of our lives when we were going through our own struggle with infertility. We continued to learn more about LWC as we found our paths crossing with folks and friends we knew who served at the clinic.

What I love most about Liberty Women’s Clinic is that it serves as hope for those that may find themselves in a very hopeless situation. I love that the clinic seeks to educate and to assist, both expecting mothers and fathers, by providing resources they may not have otherwise known existed.

I feel it is a privilege and an honor to join in this work and this ministry as it continues to provide physical and spiritual support for so many in need.

John A Washer

Pastor George Lakatos


About 20 years ago, as a younger pastor of a newly formed church, I began looking for a pro-life ministry partner that would allow our people to get involved in a gospel-centered effort to reach and serve those looking for support when facing an unplanned or unwanted pregnancy. We wanted a partner that did more than simply stand against abortion, but that took the initiative to offer practical help in this area. Liberty Women’s Clinic was that partner.

LWC seeks to honor Christ and share His love for those facing difficult life decisions. This is done with true compassion and a strong desire to see the lives of babies protected and the lives of mothers (and fathers) supported.

I am truly honored to be a part of the LWC Board. I am grateful to have the opportunity to join my voice and efforts with those who make LWC what it is. Please pray for me, the Board, and the staff of Liberty Women’s Clinic. You are the people we strive to serve at LWC.

John A Washer

Bob Newell


A good friend introduced me to Carol Graham back in 2018. Carol needed a person to help support their maintenance needs, which God led me to this path of supporting LWC. I have had the honor to work with everyone involved in running the clinic over the last five years. So many wonderful personnel dedicated to helping so many women choose God’s choice.

I have been a strong believer in pro-life, especially having helped raise four children, accepting two more wonderful children after I remarried, and been  blessed with a total of eleven grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. God has blessed my wife Donna and I so much throughout our lives…we are hoping we can continue to use those blessings in serving LWC.

When we are not helping others, Donna and I love to travel, spending a few months in Florida out of the brisk Missouri weather. And I continue to follow my passion for golf, seeking my first hole-in-one.