In 1998, while prayerfully seeking God during a church teaching series on finding your personal mission, Carol Graham, Founder, responded to a calling to found a ministry for women who find themselves in unplanned pregnancies. The calling grew into a passion for the hearts of women and their unborn and with the support of many, Liberty Women’s Clinic opened the doors to serve on October 1, 2002.
In 2006, LWC began the process of converting to a medical clinic in order to offer the powerful life-affirming tool of ultrasound. In August 2007, the Clinic was named a center of excellence by Focus on the Family, received the Options Ultrasound grant and began offering limited obstetrical ultrasound. In 2008, the scope of services was increased to include in-depth educational classes.

Soon after, eyes were opened to the need to serve the inner-core of Kansas City and from that birthed the Mobile Clinic. The Mobile Clinic began serving urban Kansas City area in 2013. Since opening, both clinics have offered assistance during 2000+ client visits.
In October of 2016, LWC moved to its current location on the west side of Liberty. This space has increased our capacity to serve by 133%. We are grateful for this opportunity as we continue to minister with the love of Christ to the practical, emotional and spiritual needs of women, their partners, and parents who face the trauma of an unplanned pregnancy.
STI (Sexually Transmitted Infection) testing and treatment was added in 2018. In Spring 2020, a decision was made to redirect mobile services resources to additional client marketing and services in our northland location where they would be most impactful. We are grateful for our past and excited for the future as we continue to share His love and hope with the most vulnerable.